

All written material, photos, and videos, unless otherwise expressed, are property of David Caldwell and permission to publish here is granted to Camps International. All rights reserved. © 2021.


Fanny, Peter, Yagna. You make it possible for more people to learn.

Thank you.

Acknowledgments and Celebrations

To faithful supporters (financial and in prayer) and one time contributors, all. Our work is to your credit.

Holly, an intern for a few weeks, wrote on various topics including the early drafts of listening, asking good questions, readers theater, and others. All key components for training.

To Michael, another intern, who wrote without ceasing for days on end.

Lucre, an experienced Camp Duffel member, for scripting and production of various training videos.

To pastors, Chip, George and Jim for the preaching piece.

To David for a sermon template.

To prayer warriors, Jeff and Paulette for sharing your personal prayer habits. May many catch your long-sightedness and discipline in that great ministry.

To Richard for compiling material.

To Courtney for transposing my random thoughts into coherent text.

To VOICE visitors over the years who have written and helped build Los Domos so we could test ideas.

To Dan for your intense persistence in journaling and implementing its application to camps in the wild.

To editor Carol.

To the students over the years who have provoked the writing of material. Honest questions and communicated needs are a great motivation to do the hard work of putting ideas down in writing.

To Wycliffe Bible Translators for the site software and hosting.

To the Camps International board of directors for your ongoing encouragement.

To all our kids (and their spouses) who at one time or another did camp, made camp happen, wrote about camp…

To my wife, Karen. For everything.

Thank you. Thank you for making a dream come true.
David G. Caldwell

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