

Going to camp as a guide is a great challenge, both in preparation and execution. You take on responsibility like a guardian for your explorers. The equipping you do for yourself in understanding the Bible and learning rules to games and sports will serve you well. Good physical stamina is necessary. A listening ear is invaluable. Praying to God for a special holy love for explorers beforehand may be a discipline based on faith and hope. But halfway through the camp event you may be imploring God hourly in prayer out of heartfelt need as explorers manifest nasty rudeness and self-centered obnoxious, behaviors. Keep praying – because very possibly, in another day, you may witness their tender openness that invites your direction for their encounter with the Almighty. Also, learn about nature so you can point out creation’s marvels. Through all of these disciplines and studies you prepare your life for readiness so that you can give. In giving, it is our expectation that you will receive greatly.

Know God so you can make Him known. Use camp as the classroom.

Enjoy the adventure of Christian camping!

David G. Caldwell
Los Domos
Michoacán, Mexico

Relationship Development 

So much of what you do as a guide centers on relationships. One of the underlying and basic purposes of camp is nurturing relationships between guides and explorers, all around. As we navigate the getting-to-know-people process we take a lot for granted. Sometimes our assumptions are justified and sometimes what we fail to correctly observe and diagnose may cause pain to the relationship.

After the initial greeting, how do you proceed to come to a strong relationship with your co-guide and explorers? The complex answer to that is best found in the hands-on experience of doing camp. For now, in your quest to learn, you will be presented some theory and some practical advice.


In the Orientation section of material there is a focus on the parameters, the logistics, the vocabulary, and an overview of responsibilities.

The topics are designed to direct you toward an understanding of general goals and procedures. This understanding will be common ground, shared with other camp staff. The orientation is intended to benefit you by giving you testimonials, definitions we can all use as a camp community, and grounding in the philosophy of what is involved in your role as a guide. By coming to know some of the specifics, you will be able to apply your talents diversely in ministry using this incredible tool we call Christian camping.

Go to the next section: Orientation/definition

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